Euro-BioImaging Nodes
Most Euro-BioImaging services are provided by Euro-BioImaging Nodes, which are internationally renowned imaging facilities in the member countries. Below is a list of the current Nodes. The Nodes can be searched and accessed also through the Technologies tab.
- Austria: Austrian BioImaging/CMI
- Belgium: Flanders Bioimaging Imaging Node
- Bulgaria: Sofia BioImaging Node - Advanced Light Microscopy Node Sofia Bulgaria
- Czech Republic: Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy Node Prague CZ
- Czech Republic: Advanced Light Microscopy and Medical Imaging Node Brno CZ
- Czech Republic: Center for Advanced Preclinical Imaging (CAPI)
- Denmark: Danish BioImaging
- European Molecular Biology Laboratory(EMBL): Euro-BioImaging EMBL-Node
- Finland: Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node
- Finland: Finnish Biomedical Imaging Node
- France: French BioImaging Node
- Hungary: Cellular Imaging Hungary
- Hungary: Medical and Preclinical Imaging Hungary
- Israel: Israel BioImaging
- Italy: Advanced Light Microscopy Italian Node
- Italy: Digital Imaging Multimodal Platform Neuromed - DIMP NEUROMED
- Italy: Molecular Imaging Italian Node
- Italy: Phase Contrast Imaging Flagship Node Trieste
- Netherlands: Challenges Framework Flagship Node
- Netherlands: Correlative Light Microscopy Dutch Flagship Node
- Netherlands: Dutch High Field Imaging Hub
- Netherlands: Erasmus MC OIC - Advanced Light Microscopy Rotterdam Node
- Netherlands: Facility of Multimodal Imaging - AMMI Maastricht
- Netherlands: High Throughput Microscopy Dutch Flagship Node
- Netherlands: Preclinical Imaging Centre (PRIME) - Molecular Imaging Dutch Node
- Netherlands: Population Imaging Flagship Node Rotterdam
- Netherlands: The Van Leeuwenhoek Center for Advanced Microscopy (LCAM) - Functional Imaging Flagship Node Amsterdam
- Netherlands: Wageningen Imaging and Spectroscopy Hub (WISH) - ALM and Molecular Imaging Node Wageningen
- Norway: NorMIC Oslo - Advanced Light Microscopy Node Oslo
- Norway: NORMOLIM, Norwegian Molecular Imaging Infrastructure
- Poland: Advanced Light Microscopy Node
- Portugal: Brain Imaging Network (BIN)
- Portugal: Portuguese Platform of BioImaging (PPBI)
- Slovenia: SiMBION NODE
- Spain: Barcelona Live and Intravital Node
- Spain: Barcelona Mesoscopic Imaging Node
- Spain: Barcelona Super-resolution Light and Nanoscopy Node
- Spain: Bilbao Node
- Spain: Population Imaging Valencia
- Sweden: Swedish National Microscopy Infrastructure
- United Kingdom: The UK Node