Tissue Clearing* (TC)
The restitution of 3D images from samples becomes a major challenge for visualizing, exploring, analyzing and quantifying. The major problem with samples is their intrinsic composition which prevents correct observation. Tissue clearing is a set of chemical procedures to render biological tissues transparent (as opposed to translucent), reducing light scattering and thereby allowing imaging in depths which would otherwise be impossible with fresh or live tissues. Tissue clearing is most commonly used on large "mesoscopic" samples (>1mm) which are then imaged with lightsheet microscopy, but can also be used to great advantage for smaller samples, such as those used in confocal or two-photon microscopy.
A wide variety of different protocols for tissue clearing exist and are offered by the Euro-BioImaging Nodes, such as CUBIS, Rapiclear, X-Clarity, BABB, and SCALE. The Nodes offering these techniques provide access to the required chemicals and materials for the clearing protocol, as well as expertise in the protocols.