Published: 2022-12-01
On Friday, December 16th at 13:00 CET, Martina Schifferer, of SyNergy Nanoscale Hub, Technical University Munich and German Center of Neurodegenerative Diseases, delivers a lecture on “Neuropathology on tape – applications of ATUM-based volume EM” as part of the Volume EM Series, brought to you by the Volume EM community and Euro-BioImaging.
Volume Electron Microscopy (vEM) reveals biological structures at nanometer resolution in three dimensions and resolves ambiguities of two-dimensional representations. However, as the structures of interest – like disease hallmarks emerging from neuropathology – are often rare but the field of view is small, this can easily turn a vEM project into a needle in a haystack problem. With array tomography methods like Automated Tape Collecting Ultramicrotomy (ATUM) SEM (ATUM-SEM), serial ultrathin sections are collected onto tape and into a storable tissue library, thereby enabling repetitive imaging at different resolution levels for an SEM-based search strategy. This virtual pub talk will introduce the ATUM-SEM method, its applications in targeted and correlated neuropathology and explore future directions in the examination of nervous system tissue on tape.
Friday, December 17th at 13:00 CET
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