Published: 2023-07-20
Euro-BioImaging coordinates access to cutting-edge imaging technologies, expertise and data services at some of the best imaging facilities across Europe. In that capacity, Euro-BioImaging is also coordinator of the AI4Life project, a Horizon Europe-funded project that brings together the computational and life science communities. Its goal is to empower life science researchers to harness the full potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for bioimage analysis by providing services, and developing standards aimed at both developers and users.
One of the main objectives of the AI4Life consortium is to enhance functionalities and usability of the open, accessible, community-driven repository of FAIR pre-trained AI models, the BioImage Model Zoo, and develop services to deliver cutting edge AI methods to life scientists. Together with their community partners, the consortium ensures that models and tools are interoperable with Fiji, ImageJ, Ilastik and other widely used open-source software tools.
One of Euro-BioImaging’s missions is to work with the entire imaging community, of which our industry partners are key stakeholders, and foster collaboration in ways that benefit the scientific community at large. That’s why we are extremely pleased to announce that AI4Life and Leica Microsystems have joined forces to help researchers leverage AI methods for analysis of complex image data; a collaboration that was triggered by the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board.
This is a great example of how resources curated by academia and available in open access can be of interest to the imaging industry. The source of the models are recognized directly in AIVIA, the image analysis software tool by Leica Microsystems, as a nice testimony to industry-academia collaboration and a nice endorsement of the models curated by the BioImage Model Zoo.
We appreciate this collaboration and look forward to more collaboration with industry and academia. If you want to integrate the BioImage Model Zoo models into your software, get in touch!
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