June 18th 2021 - Euro-BioImaging - Latin America BioImaging event

Published: 2021-06-10

To promote the advancement of bioimaging worldwide – and considering that many efforts are under way to support bilateral collaboration in science between the two regions – Latin America Bioimaging and Euro-BioImaging have organized a bilateral 2.5 hours online seminar to take place on 18 June 2021 (10h00-12h30 UYT/15h00-17h30 CEST) that will foster exchanges between the European and Latin American scientific communities and the political actors involved in building Research Infrastructures.

This event is a satellite event of the RI-VIS Latin America - Europe Symposium, which will be held virtually between Tuesday, June 15th and Thursday, June 17th 2021.

Join us to learn more about Latin America Bioimaging - a newly created network that brings together researchers, service providers, educators and commercial technology integrators in bioimaging across the region - and exchange experiences.

For more information and for registration see:


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