Euro-BioImaging Reading List

Published: 2024-05-08

This month, the Journal of Microscopy has a themed issue on imaging core facilities and many Euro-BioImaging Node staff have contributed. Check out these insightful articles and help us spread the word!

Journal of Microscopy

"Innovating in a bioimaging core through instrument development" published in Journal of Microscopy provides insights into innovation within core facilities with a particular focus on optical setups, written by Node staff from our two newest Nodes in Spain and Belgium.  Read the full article

"Staying on track - Keeping things running in a high-end scientific imaging core facility" provides insights on how to run a cutting-edge core facility from a group of Euro-BioImaging Node experts. Read the full article

“Future proofing core facilities with a seven-pillar model” Erin Tranfield and Saskia Lippens of Flanders BioImaging Node reveal what a core facility needs to meet its overarching goal of facilitating research. These seven pillars lay the foundation for long-term achievement and alignment the mission and values of the home institute.
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“Setting up a light microscopy core facility: Facility design” Timo Zimmermann of our EMBL Node explains the importance of the setup to a light microscopy core facility and gives some pointers.
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“Strategies for selecting and managing equipment in a light microscopy facility” Kurt I. Anderson of our UK Node explores the important choices that must be made to design a core facility that serves the needs of a scientific community.
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"Recognising the importance and impact of Imaging Scientists: Global guidelines for establishing career paths within core facilities" is a publication in the Journal of Microscopy from the Global BioImaging Working Group on Imaging Core Facility Career Paths. It provides a clear analysis of the imaging scientists ecosystem and the challenges they face in their career development, while sharing international success stories and best practises from the GBI community. Don't miss it! Read the full article

Other journals

Here are several additional articles written by Euro-BioImaging Hub & Node staff. 

"Pulmonary phase contrast CT imaging: a novel setup at the Italian synchrotron for the study of fresh lungs at human scale" This article, co-authored by our Phase Contrast Imaging Node & Scientific Ambassador Christian Dullin, outlines a groundbreaking new setup for high resolution tomography.  Read the full article

"Accelerating data sharing and reuse in Volume Electron Microscopy" explores community efforts to develop standards in sample preparation and image acquisition for enhanced reproducibility and data reuse, co-authored by FiAM Node, Volume EM community & Euro-BioImaging Hub team members. Full article

"Cutting-edge imaging for everyone, everywhere" If you need a reminder of why it's important to be part of Euro-BioImaging, read this interview article with Johanna Bischof in Wiley Analytical Magazine.  Full article

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