Euro-BioImaging, proud to be part of the HealthyCloud project!

Published: 2021-03-26

The HealthyCloud project, funded by the European Commission, brings together 21 organizations from 11 countries with broad and complementary expertise, to contribute to a Strategic Agenda towards the European Health Research and Innovation Cloud. This project aims to maximise the impact of health research, by adopting best practices in health data management.

Euro-BioImaging participates in the Healthy Cloud project with two Nodes, the Population Imaging Node hosted by Erasmus MC, and the Multi Modal Molecular imaging Italian node (MMMI) (with the Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging (IBB) of the CNR and the IRCCS SDN facilities). These nodes have a strong expertise in IT infrastructures, supporting data storage and access in multicentre population imaging and clinical studies, in developing image processing tools and imaging-based biomarkers for preclinical and clinical imaging datasets and in evaluating AI-based image analysis methods.

Focus on imaging data

Within the HealthyCloud project, Euro-BioImaging will contribute to the health data landscape analysis, with a focus on imaging data (WP3), in sharing the expertise in medical image data management with the XNAT platform and in the analysis of existing data hubs governance (WP4). It will provide metadata models for imaging datasets (WP6) and contribute to two use cases by providing diagnostic images associated with biological samples and clinical data from oncological and cardiological patients (WP7).

“We are excited to be part of the HealthyCloud consortium. The enormous amounts of data generated by medical imaging nowadays, both in population imaging and clinical studies, create huge opportunities for developing and evaluating novel AI-based image analysis methods. To facilitate the use and re-use of these data in research, it is crucial that best practices for imaging data management are widely adopted. The HealthyCloud Strategic Agenda will make an important contribution towards that goal,” explains Aad van der Lugt of the Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam.

“We are pleased to share our experience in managing advanced biomedical imaging data and in developing data catalogues following the FAIR data principles. This project promises to harmonize processes on a European level by providing guidelines on best practices for FAIR-health metadata” says Dario Longo, Project Manager at Euro-BioImaging and Principal Investigator at IBB-CNR.

“We participate with great pleasure in the HealthyCloud project and in Euro-BioImaging, which allows us to do research with the most important European research centers. It is important to consider that, over time, medical research has been essential for reaching the current improvements in health assistance, especially, in the field of diagnostic imaging. In this context, SDN-Synlab is a research institute that historically focused its research activities in the field of integrated vivo-vitro diagnostics, exploiting cutting-edge technologies. So, within the HealthyCloud project, SDN will provide its expertise for analysis and sharing of health data following the FAIR principles,” says Prof. Marco Salvatore, Scientific Director of the SDN-Synlab in Naples.

Learn more about the HealthyCloud EU project:


About Euro-BioImaging ERIC

Euro-BioImaging is the European Research Infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging, recognized as landmark by the ESFRI.  It provides open access to over 40 advanced imaging technologies and expertise, and to training and data services in the imaging field. Its Nodes regroup more than 100 imaging facilities distributed across the ERIC Member Countries.

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