Published: 2022-07-06
From 2022, Euro-BioImaging will be involved in five new Horizon Europe consortia, thus receiving important grants to drive new developments in key areas and facilitate transnational access to our Nodes in support of outstanding science. The overwhelming success of our infrastructure in the proposal process shows the strength of Euro-BioImaging and the importance of imaging services in solving a variety of global societal challenges.
Horizon Europe funding to support transnational access
Transnational user access - the ability for researchers to access the best and most suitable imaging technologies wherever they are available in Europe - has been fundamental to Euro-BioImaging since the very beginning. The funded projects that Euro-BioImaging is a partner in, which will bring researchers the opportunity to receive funding for access to Euro-BioImaging services at the Nodes, are:
canSERV - In this project, Euro-BioImaging will offer a large portfolio of imaging services in basic research, drug discovery, early development, as well as access to population image data and image analysis services dedicated to cancer research. Project kick-off in September 2022
AgroServ - In this consortium, Euro-BioImaging will offer imaging services to researchers through a selection of Nodes targeting topics of agroecology, plant biology, water, soil, and microorganisms. Project kick-off in October 2022
More information on these projects will be available following their launch here:
These two projects join the ISIDORe project, already underway, which provides funding for all researchers to access Euro-BioImaging Services to support their Infectious Disease research. To learn more about the ongoing ISIDORe funding opportunity available for you, read here:
Supporting FAIR data sharing and remote and digital infrastructure services
Another project that received funding in which Euro-BioImaging plays a key role is AI4LIFE, where Euro-BioImaging, as the coordinating Research Infrastructure, brings together a consortium of 10 partners to develop cutting-edge AI services for image analysis. AI4LIFE will create harmonized and interoperable AI tools & methods via open calls and public challenges and bring these developments to researchers via strategic outreach and advanced training.
Alongside the already ongoing BY-COVID and EOSC Future projects, Euro-BioImaging is also involved in the FAIR data sharing project EOSC4Cancer, which is focused on FAIR and open data sharing in support of cancer research and will closely interlink with the canSERV project.
In the eRImote project we will contribute to the transition to digital/remote research infrastructure service provision and work with the Euro-BioImaging Nodes on a use case for remote access to imaging facilities and remote training in imaging.
Euro-BioImaging looks forward to working on this array of projects with partner research infrastructures and its Nodes and is thankful for these opportunities to contribute to boosting the productivity of research in Europe and expanding access to imaging infrastructures for all researchers. A full overview of all EU projects that Euro-BioImaging is involved in, can be found here -
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