Euro-BioImaging ERIC Statement on Ukraine

Published: 2022-03-21

Euro-BioImaging ERIC strongly opposes the war launched on Ukraine and mourns the loss of life, the destruction of property and the disruption of collaborative ties that are a result of this war.

As stated by the ERIC Forum Executive Board (full statement here), we stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian institutions and researchers, who are key participants in scientific activities and express respect to Russian scientists around the world who are protesting and speaking out against the invasion of Ukraine. We hope this conflict will be resolved quickly to minimize the loss of human life and dignity.

We encourage our family of Nodes to post job opportunities that are appropriate to Ukrainian scientists fleeing the conflict to the Science for Ukraine website or add themselves to the Solidarity List of Life Science labs who are able to host Ukrainian scientists, maintained by EMBO.

Finally, to quote the ERIC Forum Executive Board statement, “Science has always been a great resource for diplomacy, scientists from all around the globe are engaged in fair and friendly cooperation. Since humankind has extremely important and urgent global challenges ahead, it is required that we all work together with all our resources. Military de-escalation is indispensable, and global cooperation - especially in science - is the key for us to survive in this our only planet.”

We continue to hope for a swift and diplomatic resolution to this crisis.


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