Euro-BioImaging and Institut Pasteur Montevideo sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Published: 2022-10-21

International engagement is one of Euro-BioImaging’s key missions, to intensify scientific cooperation across disciplinary and national boundaries, and to raise awareness of Euro-BioImaging services also among scientists outside Europe.

We are pleased to announce that on October 21, 2022, at the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2022) in Brno, Czech Republic, we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Institut Pasteur Montevideo, formalizing our collaboration with the Uruguayan imaging community. We look forward to working with our colleagues in Uruguay to facilitate collaboration and exchange between our respective communities for the benefit of biological and biomedical research.

Signature of the MoU between Euro-BioImaging ERIC, represented by Bio-Hub Section Director, Antje Keppler, and Institut Pasteur Montevideo, represented by Carlos Batthyány Dighiero, Director of Institut Pasteur de Montevideo.


Antje Keppler, Euro-BioImaging Bio-Hub Director: “There are so many areas where we can benefit from collaborating with this community, ranging from training and user access to imaging platforms, to technology development. This MoU formalizes our commitment to working together with the Uruguayan imaging community to share experiences and best practices, as well as set up staff exchange and user projects. Together, we will explore funding channels to implement these ideas.”

Leonel Malacrida, Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Member of Executive Committee - Latin America BioImaging: “We are already working closely with Euro-BioImaging through the Global BioImaging network. This MoU will bring our communities closer together and provide a framework for taking our collaboration to another level.”

About Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (IPMontevideo) 

The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is a non-profit foundation dedicated exclusively to promoting scientific and technological research in the fields of human biology, biomedicine, molecular pathology and other disciplines related to them, as well as organizing and implementing courses, seminars and training for investigators, and take any action in connection with such investigations; undertake any research work that may be necessary for the advancement of science in the fields described above; make discoveries and inventions, register patents, among others. 

About Euro-BioImaging ERIC

The European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences (Euro-BioImaging ERIC) provides open physical and remote user access to state-of-the-art imaging technologies for life scientists. It offers image data support and training for infrastructure users and providers and continuously evaluates and includes new imaging technologies to ensure sustainable cutting-edge services. Euro-BioImaging ERIC consists of a set of complementary, strongly interlinked and geographically distributed Nodes − specialized imaging facilities − to reach European scientists in all Member States. The infrastructure is empowered by a strong supporting and coordinating entity, the Euro-BioImaging Hub. The Hub provides the virtual entry point from which users are directed to their desired imaging technology as served by the respective Euro-BioImaging Nodes. Since October 2019, Euro-BioImaging has moved into ERIC Operation and the infrastructure currently provides open access to 35 Nodes that bring together 173 imaging facilities in 16 countries and at EMBL, offering nearly 100 imaging technologies. The Euro-BioImaging portfolio and its offer of services are continuously updated as more Nodes and technologies steadily join the infrastructure, widening the offer for the research community. 

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